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The SciTech How-To Video Series

The How-To Video Series, produced by Charlie Keith and Ryan Murphy, was created to help pass rudimentary video production skills on to the next generation of SciTech Video Production. The series focuses on utilizing easily accessible video resources to produce quality content for the UABSTHonors YouTube channel. These skills, though directed at students pursuing SciTech video, are applicable to any aspiring video producer.

The first video in the series focuses on the details involved with shooting a video, specifically using a smart phone camera. While phone cameras might not quite be professional level, the quality of cameras on smart phones has come a long way in the past several years. (I even use my iPhone camera for most of my vlog footage.) In this video, you'll learn the basics about using your phone for shooting videos, as well as the basics of framing and setting up a shot.

The second video in the series focuses on the basics of audio editing. We focus on utilizing easily accessible audio editing programs, including Audacity and Garage Band, to introduce some rudimentary elements of audio editing.

The third video in the series focuses on the basics of video editing. We focus on utilizing iMovie to introduce some rudimentary elements of video editing.

The fourth and final video in the series focuses on the details involved with producing an episode of This Month In Science. Since the original founders of This Month In Science are entering their senior year of college, this video was produced for the new STH 250 students to aid in the transition of production staff.

Camera Use How-To Video

Audio Production How-To Video

iMovie Use How-To Video

This Month In Science Production How-To Video

Putting the Skills to Use

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